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11 Weeks aka 77 Days

So, we're eleven weeks or seventy seven days out. I can't decide right now if that's a good or bad thing. Here's a list of things I still need to get done:
1. send out STDs - "Seriously?" you must be thinking as you're rolling your eyes. Yup. Totally serious. Why am I even bothering? Because I paid for them and I need to buy ti since it looks like I won't be


Sara said...

i say go for it! send them out esp. since they are already paid for. Invites will still be several weeks from now and the good thing about later Save The Dates is you might get some No RSVPS early!

LoVes and Vices said...

Great point! I did send them out and will be sending out my invitations this week (cutting it close, but what can I say? I like to live life on the edge. LOL.)